
City cycling in Porta Westfalica – Cycling for the environment

Municipal Porta Westfalica joined „CITY CYCLING“ for three weeks! All citizens of our municipal area have been asked to build biking teams for active reduction of CO²-production.

Sustainability was the target of this initiative.

Our aim as an engineering company, traditionally working on sustainability since several years, was to join the appeal with a team of motivated bikers, consisting of employees from our staff. Named „H&H Sprint-Team“, they at least ran about 3.272 km by bike and saved 4,5 t CO² during the biking period.

Finally the 14-member team reached rank 7 of 22 teams, registered at Municipal Porta Westfalica.
This is a respectable result for joining „CITY CYCLING“ the first time.

H&H promotes sustainable biking of its employees.

Each employee biked an average of 234 km although it rained a lot during these 3 weeks.
Finally the reason of this is, that H&H Klebetechnologie promotes its staff by leasing a company bike to improve their health.
Our company is working on providing alternative mobility devices for business issue, but also for our staff which is using E-Bikes as company bike but also in private.

This is a good decision for a healthy live!

Our responsibility for the environment and a healthy future of our employees is growing parallel to our company growth.
The staff is attaching importance on their health, which is promoted by „Company bike leasing“.

Finally, all parties are winners of this deal.

We are proud that our company and also our employees are contributing for health, environment and sustainability.

(The picture shows part of the H&H Sprint team. The photo was taken outdoors with appropriate distances).

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