
Health protection at H&H Adhesive Bonding Technology - Luca App and vaccination quota offer high level of safety

The Sars-Cov19 pandemic is again progressing at a frightening pace. Nevertheless, you can feel safe when visiting H&H Klebetechnologie. Because the health of our employees and customers is important to us.

We now have a vaccination rate of over 98% in our company. On the one hand, this ensures that internal and external work processes can be planned and, on the other hand, it gives our visitors a sense of security. Of course, we also continue to document our contacts in the building.

The booster vaccination of our staff by our company doctor is planned and will be carried out shortly. In this way, we not only ensure health protection in the company, but also offer our employees added value in their private lives: No tiresome worrying and waiting for vaccination appointments and a continued assured participation in social life.

Stay careful and healthy!

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